

This law is intended solely for the territory of the Republic of Serbia.
MS Group Technology d.o.o. is obliged to deliver goods that conform to the contract.

MS Group Technology d.o.o. is responsible for the non-conformity of goods to the contract that occurs within 2 years from the date of risk transfer to the consumer. If the non-conformity occurs within 6 months from the date of risk transfer to the consumer, it can be presumed that the non-conformity existed at the time of risk transfer to the consumer.

All costs necessary to bring the goods into conformity with the contract, especially the costs of labor, materials, collection, and delivery, are borne by MS Group Technology d.o.o.

After the expiration of the legal conformity period of the goods (1-2 years), the consumer is responsible for organizing the shipment of the goods for service. In that case, the costs of shipping, receiving the goods, and repairs are borne exclusively by the consumer. A list of service centers, along with documentation accompanying the product, is provided to the buyer, with MS Group Technology d.o.o. offering its service as an option. To facilitate buyers, our team is willing to provide information about the availability of our service center after the expiration of the legal conformity period.



Under the Consumer Protection Act, the Merchant is responsible for the non-conformity of New goods to the contract that occurs within 24 months from the purchase of the goods. In the case of the sale of refurbished devices, the responsibility for non-conformity lasts from the 12th to the 24th month, depending on the specificity of the product, also counting from the date of purchase.

Company MS Group Technology d.o.o. is obliged to deliver goods that are in conformity with the contract. Company MS Group Technology d.o.o. is responsible for the non-conformity of goods to the contract that occurs within 2 years from the date of risk transfer to the consumer. If the non-conformity occurs within 6 months from the date of risk transfer to the consumer, it can be presumed that the non-conformity existed at the time of risk transfer to the consumer.

All costs necessary to bring the goods into conformity with the contract, especially the costs of labor, materials, collection, and delivery, are borne by Company MS Group Technology d.o.o.

The right to complain and free servicing by the MS Group Technology service is lost by the customer in case of inadequate handling of the device and its use that is not in accordance with the user manual, as well as in case any repairs or attempted repairs have been made by unauthorized persons.

MS Group Technology guarantees the quality of all products from its range, as well as their compliance with the specified specifications on the website.

After the expiration of the legal conformity period of the goods (1-2 years), the consumer is responsible for organizing the shipment of the goods for service. In that case, the costs of shipping, receiving the goods, and repairs are borne exclusively by the consumer. A list of service centers, along with documentation accompanying the product, is provided to the buyer, with MS Group Technology d.o.o. offering its service as an option. To facilitate buyers, our team is willing to provide information about the availability of our service center after the expiration of the legal conformity period.


Complaints Regulations

In accordance with Article 55 of the Consumer Protection Act (Official Gazette of the RS No. 88/2021, hereinafter: the Act), the director of the company MS Group Technology d.o.o. Pančevo, headquartered at 98/9 Karađorđeva Street, Pančevo, Serbia, registration number 21449989, represented by Aleksandar Lazović, issues the following regulations:


Complaint Submission

To expedite the complaint submission process and resolution, you can submit it to the email

When submitting a complaint, it is necessary to specify the method of resolving the complaint (repair, refund, or replacement with a new device).

The complaint should include a detailed description of the fault, as well as the situations and operating time when you noticed disturbances. It is also desirable to specify all specifics if the fault is not common. Try to avoid short and incomplete descriptions of faults so that the service technicians can eliminate the fault as quickly as possible.

You will be contacted within 24-48 hours from the moment of receiving the complaint request.

As a seller, we are obliged to issue a written confirmation to the consumer without delay or confirm receipt of the complaint electronically, i.e., inform them of the number under which their complaint is registered in the registry of received complaints.

If the delivery of the goods is organized through a courier service and you notice that the packaging or the goods are damaged in transport, please contact City Express/Bex, or the courier service that made the delivery, at their complaint email from their website. You must report the issue immediately, and at the latest within 24 hours from the moment of receiving the shipment for the complaint to be considered by the courier service.

The seller is not responsible for compensating for damage if it occurred during transport; the courier service is responsible.

If you notice that the packaging or the goods are damaged in transport, and the delivery was made by the Seller's vehicle, please contact us at reklamacije@msgroup@rs or by phone at +381 69 417 1727 or +381 69 417 1170


Complaint Resolution

Under the Consumer Protection Act, you are entitled to receive a response to your complaint within 8 days from the day of receiving the device for the complaint, and the deadline for resolving it is 15 days.

The deadline for resolving a complaint is interrupted when the consumer receives a response from the seller and starts running again when the seller receives the consumer's response to the seller's response. The consumer is obliged to respond to the seller's response no later than within three days from the day of receiving the seller's response. It will be considered that the consumer does not agree with the seller's proposal if they do not respond within three days.

New devices are forwarded to our service upon receipt, along with the fault description you provided when submitting the complaint.

Complaints about the functional correctness of the product will be accepted only if the complained product is returned complete, undamaged, and if our service technician confirms your claims.

If the complaint is not accepted, we will explain our decision and inform you about the possibility of resolving the dispute out of court. If we accept your complaint, we will respond to your request and provide a specific proposal and deadline for resolving the complaint.

Packaging is not a condition for rejecting the complaint to the buyer in the case of refurbished goods, but it is desirable to be provided with the device. In the case of purchasing new goods, the original packaging is a condition for accepting the complaint.

Physically damaged devices and devices not used according to the manufacturer's specifications are not eligible for complaints because the merchant in that case is not responsible for non-conformity resulting from damage or improper handling, and the risk passes to the buyer. In this case, we can perform diagnostics and assess the repair costs of the device, and in this case, the customer bears all costs to the service.


Notice of Legal Remedies

If you believe that your rights as a Consumer are violated, you have the right to initiate judicial or extrajudicial proceedings to resolve the consumer dispute in accordance with Articles 148 and 149 of the Consumer Protection Act.

A consumer dispute can be resolved through an out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes, and as a Seller, we are obliged to inform you that, according to the law, we are obliged to participate in this procedure.

The procedure before the body can be initiated by the consumer only if they have previously filed a complaint or objection with the merchant. The consumer loses the right to file a proposal for out-of-court resolution of the dispute one year from the day of (unsuccessful) filing of the complaint.

Out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes can last up to 90 days from the date of submitting the proposal.

The list of bodies for out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes that the Consumer can contact is available on the website of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia at the following link

Each party to the out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes bears its own costs (representation costs, travel expenses, etc.). The work of the body for out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes is free of charge for the parties to the procedure for out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes.